Competitive Programming
- 5×3 Pause Back Squats @75%
- 3×10 Back Rack Forward Lunges (heavy) (10 total reps, alternating legs each step)
Metcon- 3RDS - 400m Run, 20 WallBalls (30/20), 10 DB Box Step Overs (50/35’s) (24/20”)
- Accessory- 2×30 per leg, single leg Banded hamstring curls
- Build to heavy 6 rep bench press (normal grip)
- 2xMax Reps @90% of 6RM (goal is 10+ reps, rest as needed after set)
- 3×5 Tempo Weighted Dips (3 down, 3 bottom, 0 up)
- Metcon- “Ryan”
- 5RDS – 7MU (Bar or Ring), 21 Burpees to Target (1ft jump above standing reach )
- Accessory- 2×35 Banded Tricep Extensions
- Build to heavy Muscle Snatch (8mins),
- Build to heavy Power Snatch (10mins)
- Build to heavy full snatch (15 mins if needed)
- Metcon- 15min EMOTM
- 12-15 Cal Bike
- 20 GHDS
- 5 Hang power cleans + 5 Front Squats
* start at 155 and increase weight each round until finding max load on last set
*must be unbroken cleans directly into Unbroken FS
- Accessory- 3RDs
- 35 Banded Face Pulls
- 20 Bent over Rear delt Flys
- 15 Band Pull-a-parts w/ 2 sec hold at Extension
- Rest Day
- 6min Gymnastic EMOTM
- 8-12 Reps each min of either PU/C2B/T2B
- Build to heavy Sumo DL
- Metcon- FT
- 21-15-9
- Deadlifts (225/155)
- 100 DU after each set
- Accessory- 3x 8 per side Cossack Squats (can weight)
- Build to Max Deficit HSPU
- 5×8 Strict Press @70%+
- Metcon- Every 4mins for 20mins (5RDS)
- 500m Row
- 5(L) Hang KB C&J (32/24kg)
- 5(R) Hang KB C&J ^
- Accessory- 3×15 DB Roll Backs