Olympic Lifting
Day 1
- 3×5 Tall Snatches (Focus on pulling under fast, post shrug
- 4×2 Muscle Snatches (Drop Singles)
- Build to heavy Snatch Pull + Hang Snatch
- 6 Min EMOM: 1 Snatch @ 78%+
- 3×5 Long Hang Snatch Pulls @ 90% of 1RM
- 5×5 Behind-The-Neck, Snatch Grip Push Press @ 75% of 1RM
- Accessory: 2 Rounds
- 30 Banded Face Pulls
- 20 Bent Over Rear Delt Flys
Day 2
- 3×4 Back Squat @ 82-85%
- 3×8 (per leg) Back Rack Forward Lunges (Heavy)
- 3×8-10 Band (Above Knee) Barbell Good Mornings (Heavy)
- 4x :30 sec PVC Paddle On GHD
- 3×15 Weighted Back Extensions
Day 3
- 5×5 Strict Pullups
- Build to Heavy 6: Narrow Grip Bench Press
- 4×8-10 (3 sec lower, 1 sec hold at top) Banded DB Tempo Bent Over Row
- 3×10 Split Jerk Stance Barbell Strict Press
- 3x :40 sec (per side) Side Plank Holds
Day 4
- 3×5 Tall Power Cleans (with pause in catch)
- 5×3 Tempo Power Cleans @ 65%+ (3 sec above knee then explode)
- Build to heavy: 1 Power Clean (Drop) + 1 Squat Clean
- 6 Min EMOM: 1 Clean @ 78%+
- Accessory:
- 3×8 Ring Face Pulls
- 3×20 DB Shrugs (Heavy)
Day 5
- 3×6 Back Squats @ 75%+
- 3 x 3 (rack and rest 10 sec) + 3 Front Squat Clusters @ 70-73%
- 3x 6/6 Cossack Squats
- Accessory:
- 2/3×40 Banded Hamstring Curls
- 2×10 Deadbugs
- 2×40 BB Side Bends